First impressions are everything, and often times, your website is a potential clients' first encounter with your company.

Tampa Bay Web Design

A successful website has three key components: efficiency, aesthetics, and visibility. Your site should be easy to navigate, and your company’s call-to-actions should be clear. Each page should display a visually compelling design that reflects your brand’s values.

Whether you need a new website or are looking to redesign your current one, Digital Eel is ready to help you capture your vision and see it through from start to finish. Our team will work with you to identify website objectives, create a content plan, select your color palette, implement website functionality, and craft the perfect experience for your users.

Why Redesign?

Many owners don’t realize that web sites have a “shelf life”. Your business evolves and changes with time, and your web site should follow suit. Ignoring an outdated online presence can cost you traffic, and have a negative impact on the bottom line. Digital Eel can freshen up your existing site with Responsive Design, modern hues, logo retouches, and much more. We can take an ugly duckling website and turn it into a swan you can be proud of!

So ask yourself. . .

  • What do you want your site to say about you and your business?
  • How will it reflect the values of your company?
  • What is/are your call-to-action for potential clients and customers who view the website?
  • If you have an existing website, does it reflect your company's current goals and objectives?
  • Most of all, as a business owner, is it something you are, or can be proud of? If not, we can help!

Digital Eel has helped countless websites go from mediocre to magnificent. But don’t take our word for it – if your site could use a little TLC, give us a call at 1-888-884-3335, or email us. We’ll discuss how we can improve your company’s site to more closely match your brand’s vision and goals!

Check Out Our New Designs

Check Out Our Before and Afters

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"The move of our website management to Digital Eel could not have gone smoother. Steve and his team are very thorough, and they are always willing to help you understand the intricacies of managing your site."

Will B. -